Our Retail Plant Sale At Azalea House Flowering Shrub Farm, 40 Voorheesville Ave, Voorheesville, NY 12186. When you arrive I may be in the fields or out to lunch so Call my cell phone at 518-526-9101 or knock on the red door of my office in the barn. If the pictures below dont open click here!

You can find me at The Plant Sale from May 15 through July 4 between 10 AM and 2 PM or at other times or dates by appointment. We close for the season in mid august. Click the pictures below for a larger image.

You can email me and make an appointment or ask a question.

Big plants are in front. Smaller, more portable plants are kept in back of the house.

I am only open as long as the plants we grow are in bloom. If Lilacs bloom early we will open early.

We sell Lilacs and Roses when they are in bloom. Espalier is usually sold in Late June to July. You should subscribe to the picture-newsletter. Every day I take pictures and post them in my picture-newsletter. When you see something you like come buy it in bloom. Usually lilacs in May, roses in June, and espalier in June or July (usually by appointment).

As we work in the nursery or whenever I see something in bloom I overwrite pictures in my picture newsletter below. Click on this month to see what I am doing now. Click on other months to see in pictures what we were doing then.

January February March April May 1 to 15 May 16 to 31 June week #1 June week #2 June week #3 June last days July August September October November December

Come in May for Lilacs while they are in bloom (subscribers to my free picture-newsletter are notified if the lilacs bloom early and we open early, so you may want to subscribe). Come in June for old garden roses and June or July for recurrent blooming roses. Make an appointment to see espalier trained fruit trees that we usually sell in July. Come at any time for other plants like Native Rosebay Rhododendrons, Native Pinxterbloom Azaleas, Native Highbush blueberries or the wild Lowbush blueberry 'Aiton' only recognizing that we wont sell Roses or Lilacs that either aren't in bloom or that haven't previously bloomed, so we all can see the color and smell the fragrance.

After July 4 I appreciate you coming during daylight hours when its not raining and giving me a call on my cell phone at 518-526-9101 before you arrive so I have maximum time to walk in from the fields, finish my breakfast or whatever before you arrive.

I change my web pages and pictures frequently so you should reload each one in case your computer has it cached. Click each picture for a larger image that you can save as wallpaper or study more closely. You can actually see plants growing in our fields in the catalogs though they wont be brought to the plant sale until they flower (I overwrite the picture of them growing frequently until they flower, then a couple times a year when they are flowering at the plant sale.

Send me an email asking to be added to my subscribers list. If I open early (I do that when Lilacs start blooming early), I notify my subscribers in an email. Subscribers also receive links to the monthly newsletter.

We sell Rhododendrons and Azaleas in 1 gallon for $8 each blueberry bushes in 3 gallon pots for $10, or $25 for roses, 7 gallon pots for $30 each, 15 gallon for $50 each, 25 gallon for $100 each and 45 gallon for $200 each. Most of our plants are in 7 gallon and 15 gallon.

Most of my plants are grown within ten miles of the plant sale location at 40 Voorheesville Ave then brought in on a trailer during March through May.

I order virus free roses grafted on Rosa multiflora and own root from Canada and pot them in 7 gallon pots. In July I take cuttings. After the cuttings have grown for a year or two they also will be found in 7 gallon pots. The own root plants say so on the side of the pot. Most other plants we grow were originally bought as cuttings and then grown for a year or five until they flower.

Blueberry bushes, both native or exceptionally hardy hybrids are brought to the plant sale after I have grown them for a year, in a 3 gallon pot for $10.

All plants are grown outdoors all year except the newly rooted cuttings that aren't for sale. I grow them in pots; the roses, azaleas, rhododendrons, apple trees, pear trees and hibiscus have mulch around the pots to keep them from freezing in winter. So, no hothouse plants here.

I am growing double flowered Hibiscus Syriacus that bloom from July on. You may want to make an appointment when they are in bloom so subscribe to the newsletter and when you see them in bloom make an appointment. Most of my time in July is spent on plant propagation.
