Lilacs growing (pictures of) in the fields at the flowering shrub farm in Voorheesville, NY. Click picture for larger image. Look for a pink date label near the post for a clue to the date the picture was taken. The rows are Labeled A through H around 250 lilacs in each row. If you want to look at the staging area with each seperate crop of lilacs labeled with a crop number go to my lilac catalog at We grow lilacs in the staging area for a couple years until we have optimal branching, then we transfer them to the fields under drip line. When they start to flower I label them with a yellow label. The following march those with yellow labels are taken to the plant sale location and potted into 7 gallon pots. They will be for sale at $30 apiece when they flower again (come to plant sale May 15 for best selection). Links at bottom.

Top Row in upper field (lilacsinfieldrowasmall.jpg). Around 250 Lilacs per row. The ones that have yellow labels will be pulled out next March and repotted into 7 gallon pots for the plant sale. Look for a pink label on the post with the days date this picture was taken.

Row B of Lilacs (lilacsinfieldrowbsmall.jpg). Click for a larger image.

Lilacs in Row D (lilacsinfieldrowdsmall.jpg).

Lilacs in Row E (lilacsinfieldrowesmall).

Lilacs in Row F (lilacsinfieldrowfsmall.jpg)

We grow plants to sell at our plant sale. Read my notes on the zone hardiness numbers I use. Do we do mail order? Check my picture-newsletter Want to purchase? email me.