Propagation pictures of New Plants at the Flowering Shrub Farm in Voorheesville, NY

I use this low intesity method of propagation because its cheap, doesn't require many worker hours, and can be done without any extra equipment. In spring each year we decide what plants we will propagate and cut them back hard. During the first couple weeks of July we take semi-mature cuttings and deep-stick (similar to sticking hardwood cuttings) them in a seed starting mix in 3 gallon pots. Each pot is placed in a clear plastic garbage bag tightly closed with a locking type label and stored in a place where they get bright indirect light but are protected from animals (usually an empty cold frame). Six weeks later I open to examine them, fertilize with 10-50-10 or similar, then close the bag and put them back. A couple more weeks and I probably will remove the bag and put them with other pots of cuttings, outside in the partial shade of trees (continued below). Click each picture to open a larger one where you can see the variety name printed on the original date label or to examine the cuttings. email me

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Hybrid Rugosa Rose 'Belle Poitevine' (propagat008.jpg).

Centifolia Rose 'Fantin Latour' (propagat023.jpg).

Rosa moyesii 'Geranium' (propagat028.jpg).

'Harisons Yellow' (propagat030.jpg).

When I stick the cuttings I attach a date-label to the pot. Whenever I take a picture I attach another temporarily to show the date the picture was taken. Semi-mature cuttings are stuck in July and August. Any cutting that remains green six weeks after being stuck has probably rooted. At the bottom is a picture of this years cuttings all together arranged from the earliest to the latest left to right. Whenever I take a picture I remove its bag and afterwards put it back on again sometimes replacing the bag with a new one. I dont divide the cuttings until a year after they were originally taken as cuttings. Any rooted cuttings that I decide not to divide may be sold undivided in its three gallon pot.

'New Dawn' (propagat040.jpg).

Hybrid Rugosa Rose 'Roseraie de l'Hay' (propagat051.jpg).

Hybrid Rugosa Rose 'Scabrosa' (propagat055.jpg).

Gallica Rose 'La Belle Sultane' (propagat158.jpg).

All propagated plants from this year in 3 gallon pots (propagatall.jpg). Sometimes there are lots and sometimes only a few depending on how much time and effort I can spend.


"Creative Propagation" by Peter Thompson ISBN 0-88192-251-X published by Timber Press, Inc., The Hazeltine Building, 133 S.W. Second Ave., Suite 450, Portland, Oregon 97204-3527, USA

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We grow plants to sell at our plant sale. Read my notes on the zone hardiness numbers I use. Do we do mail order? Check my picture-newsletter Want to purchase? email me.