Fertilizers and Insecticides we sell at Azalea House Flowering Shrub Farm in Albany County, NY. Picture at bottom updated regularly so you can inventory what I have as of the date in the caption. Links at bottom. Last edited Monday, September 10, 2007.

1) BT 8 ounce concentrate........$9.99..............I use 4 teaspoons per gallon of water and a hose end sprayer. Bacillus thuringensis is an organic insecticide that when ingested by catterpillars causes them to stop eating so that they soon die of starvation. Named after a Province in Germany where it was first discovered in Europe (1911). It rapidly breaks down with exposure to sunlight. You can use BT for coddling moth larvae (the worm in the apple), but because they feed for such a short time on the surface its important to target the insect with repeat sprays at the right time (and even then wont result in flawless apples). It's safe for humans and other vertebrates.

2) Rx3 neem Oil 16 ounce concentrate...$15.99........I mix one ounce per gallon in a hose end sprayer. neem Oil is derived from a tree in India. It has been used for hundreds of years in neem soap to prevent lice. When used properly on roses it acts in a preventative fashion, driving insects away (japanese beetles too) from the plants and interfering with their ability to reproduce.

3) Insecticidal Soap 32 ounce concentrate......$18.99......I mix 16 teaspoons per gallon and a hose end sprayer. I also apply it from a spray bottle for spot applications. Cheaper than neem oil it kills a broad spectrum of insects and suposedly doesn't harm worms, birds and humans etc. I use this regularly on many plants including roses and fruit trees.

4) Espoma Triple Phosphate (0-48-0) 32 pound bag.......$22.99.....I sprinkle this around shrubs in late winter especially Rhododendrons.

5) Espoma Dehydrated Garden Manure (4-2-2) 20 pound bag......$9.39 this is dried so that its easier to broadcast using a spreader, it has less smell and if it weren't dried it would weigh a great deal more. I put a handful in every large pot as in spring.

6) Espoma Bone Meal (4-12-0) 30 pound bag..............ES10306...........$21.99 a good organic fertilizer for all plants and can be added to the soil during planting as it soesn't burn. Stimulates root and bud production. Gardeners report that seed potatoes rolled in bone meal have less damage from insects and when bone meal is sprinkled between plants it can deter aphid carrying ants.

7) Espoma Rose Tone (6-6-4) 25 pound bag......$12.79 You should follow directions on the bag. As long as temperatures remain warm enough bacteria will break down the material the fertilizer is composed of (often includes things like; dried blood, bone meal, cottonseed meal, fish meal etc.) and excrete nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Once cold weather sets in the fertilizer stops acting. This insures that it wont interfere with the plant going dormant in winter as some chemical fertilizers do. I still use some chemical fertilizers but this insures that the plants get a broad spectrum of micro nutrients that the chemicals may not have.

8) Espoma Hollytone (4-6-4) 25 pound bag........$12.79 I use this on Acid loving plants like Rhododendrons and Azaleas. I apply it as per directions early in spring and again after they have finished flowering. As long as temperatures remain warm enough bacteria will break down the material the fertilizer is composed of (often includes things like; dried blood, bone meal, cottonseed meal, fish meal etc.) and excrete nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Once cold weather sets in the fertilizer stops acting. This insures that it wont interfere with the plant going dormant in winter as some chemical fertilizers do. I still use some chemical fertilizers but this insures that the plants get a broad spectrum of micro nutrients that the chemicals may not have.

9) Jacks (10-30-20) 4 pound carton.............PC22110..........$12.99 I apply this every two weeks to insure that the plant roots well immediately following potting or planting (May to July stopping in July) as a water soluble fertilizer via my Dositron (injects fertilizer into water I'm irrigating the plants with). You will probably add one tablespoon to a gallon of water and apply via a watering can.

10) Systemic Rose and Flower Care 5 pound 8-12-4............$12.99 I sometimes use this during a short period of time when borers are most active. Stem borer larvae chew downward into the pith of stems until they reach the crown which might take two years. When I see the damage (inspection is important) I cut the stem down aroun 6 inches below the injury and stick in a thumbtack (burn the cut piece). I sometimes use this systemic insecticide (very carefully as it can burn the plant) in early summer when I have observed the rose stem sawfly laying eggs.

11) Fruit tree Pest trap hang it on the fruit tree to tell you when to spray for coddling moth.

12) Dormont Oil spray for scale and other overwintering insects.

13) Bulb Dust used to dust your Dahlia tubors in winter

14) Dipel a form of BT

15) Roundup (I dont use this but have sticks you can disolve in water)

Click on the following link to open the dated picture (below) to its full size showing the fertilizers and insecticides we have in stock as of that date. flowers.yonatan.us/supply6.jpg I will retake this picture regularly when its composition changes.

We grow mostly Disease Resistant and Old Roses ( catalog ), Classic Lilacs ( catalog ), Native Azaleas or Rhododendrons ( catalog ), Blueberry bushes ( catalog ), Rose of Sharon or Hibiscus syriacus ( catalog ), Serviceberry or Amelanchier ( catalog ), for retail during our Plant Sale Last edited Monday, September 10, 2007.

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