Azalea House Flowering Shrub Farm in Albany County, NY. is within 30 minutes of; Albany, NY; Troy, NY; Schenectady, NY; Voorheesville, NY; Guilderland, NY; Altamont, NY; Slingerlands, NY; Delmar, NY; and more.

I have been growing plants for sale in the Albany, NY area since 1991. Due to the degenerative disk disease I suffer from I cannot be involved in any pushing, pulling or lifting work anymore but I still grow several thousand plants for sale in large pots. Some people meet me for breakfast at the Voorheesville Diner. email me a couple days in advance and tell me when you'll be there.

All my plants are grown over time and sold in gradually larger pots up to 7 gallons size. For more information email me . If you can't make our hours at the PLANT SALE you can make an appointment.. We try to grow plants that many others do not, often because they say "there's no market for them". I disagree of course.

Or send a letter to Azalea House, PO Box 49, Voorheesville, NY 12186

My email is I only mailorder plants that have outgrown their 7 gallon pots. Plants that we propagate from rooted cuttings are grown for several years in nursery beds. I only sell plants that have proven to be locally hardy and disease resistant. We don't sell plants until they have bloomed verifying the variety.

Buy it in bloom. Plant in Spring or early Summer and remember that the larger a plant is, the greater its hardiness.

Ask to be added to our subscribers list. When a plant starts to bloom, I take pictures, post them in a newsletter and send my all my subscribers a link. Go to my GARDEN page to see the most recent picture (at the top), or a link to updated web pages and pictures I have sent over the past year.

I grow disease resistant Modern roses including; 'New dawn' and its hybrids, Griffith Buck's 'Prairie Princess' Hybrids, Hybrid Rugosa Roses;

Disease resistant old roses including; Gallica, Damask, Alba, Moss, Scots, Portlands and more;

Disease Resistant Non-recurrent Modern Roses including; Moyesii, spinosissima, and more;

Classic lilacs including; Monge, sarah sands, sensation, Primrose, Krasavitsa moskvy and many others including mixes where I plant one each of 'Sensation', 'Monge' and Sarah Sands in a single pot. Other mixes include one where we plant a 'Primrose' and a 'Krasavitsa moskvy' in a single pot;

native azalea's and rhododendrons including Pinxterbloom Azalea, Rosebay Rhododendron, Flame Azalea, and more.

to sell retail during our plant sale.

Disease Resistant and Old Roses ( catalog ), Classic Lilacs ( catalog ), Native Azaleas or Rhododendrons ( catalog ), Blueberry bushes ( catalog ), Rose of Sharon or Hibiscus syriacus ( catalog ), Serviceberry, Shadblow or Amelanchier ( catalog ), Peony ( catalog ), fertilizers and insecticides ( catalog ) for retail during our plant sale or by appointment. By clicking on the name of each plant you can open a picture if one is available. If you are interested email me and tell me which one your interested in. I'll take a picture of what can be purchased and email it back to you.

If the disease resistant plant isn't shown to be grown by me let me know anyway. I often add them to the list of plants to purchase wholesale the following year.

This is a link to several lists of the plants that will probably be for sale.

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