Moyesii Roses and Hybrids, propagated and grown by Azalea House Flowering Shrub Farm with links to pictures (when available). We grow premium sized plants to sell during our Plant sale, by appointment or mail order. Last edited: Friday, December 12, 2008. We sell many flowering shrubs (old roses, modern disease resistant roses, classic lilacs, native blueberry bushes, native azaleas and rhododendrons) both wholesale and retail. Click on the name of the plant you are interested in below.

Hybrid Moyesii Roses were created when the the species Rosa moyesii was crossed with various other roses.

When there's a picture below it, clicking on the rose name will open a larger picture and more information.

28) 'GERANIUM'_Hybrid Moyesii Rose, zone4, 8'x6', not-recurrent, red, AH-0/0(2003)

105) 'MARGUERITE HILLING' Hybrid Moyesii Rose, Zone 5, Pink sport of 'Nevada', Hilling1959, not-recurrent, Semi-double, rose-pink flowers, AH-0/0(2005), Marguerite Hilling ("Classic Roses" Beales, fllf:234) ("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's, 182) a pink sport of Nevada introduced by Hilling of England . semi double rose pink. 1959

115) NEVADA Hybrid Moyesii Rose, Zones 4-10, 8x6, recurrent according to Wilde, AH-0/0(2005), ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 169, zones 4-10, DR-1/0, repeats), ("Roses Of America" Scanniello, 54), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 54, 61, fllf:234), ("Designing With Roses" Lord, sh159), 'La Giralda' x R. moyesii, 8x6,

I'm Andrew Van Cleve, chief grower at Azalea House Flowering Shrub Farm, and I grow flowering shrubs without fungicide to reveal truly disease resistant plants. I am providing time honored, proven shrubs that are disease resistant locally.

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