Species Roses propagated and grown by Azalea House Flowering Shrub Farm with links to pictures (when available). Our Plant sale is May 15 to July 4; 10 AM to 2 PM. Click here for more info.

Last edited: Thursday, April 27, 2006. We sell many flowering shrubs both wholesale and retail. Click on the name of the plant you are interested in below.

Each time I interact with one of the crops we grow, I write up a short essay in my Local Garden Newsletter (like sending an email except that you have to come get it), add a collage of pictures and send links to all my subscribers. Subscribers also receive notification of special sales where plants may be sold at 25% off the retail price and are notified when the plants are in bloom (because smart buyers "Buy it in bloom!"). Email me to tell me that you want to subscribe.

If you dont understand the explanation above or if you aren't interested in Species Roses Go to My Home page for special instruction on finding the plant you want.

24) 'FATHER_HUGO'S ROSE'_Species Rose, zones 4-8, 6'x6', not-recurrent, May bloom, AH-1/0(1995), yellow, Species Rose Rosa hugonis, first intoduced in 1899, zone 4 to 8, cupped single yellow 1 to 1.5 inch flowers with gold stamens, Disease resistant rating 1/0 (slight amount of black spot at a time of year to be hardly noticeable) having been tested in our no spray garden since 1995, abundant bloom in spring with no repeat, 6 feet x 6 feet, orange-bronze foliage in fall, foliage is fernlike-most people wont recognise this as a rose. We never prune except to remove deadwood immediately after it has bloomed. 1899

47) 'RED_LEAVED ROSE' (Species) 'ROSA GLAUCA' Species Rose, zone 3 to 9, 5'x5', non-recurrent, pink, AH-0/0(1999), species Noteworthy for the purple foliage and the large crop of dark colored fruit, Red Leaved Rose or Rosa glauca or Rosa rubrifolia, height of 5 feet to 30 feet, single (5 petaled) white and pink blend flowers, non-recurrent, grown mostly for its foliage which during different seasons is sometimes described as purple and others as silvery

I'm Andrew Van Cleve, chief grower at Azalea House Flowering Shrub Farm, and I grow flowering shrubs without fungicide to reveal truly disease resistant plants. I am providing time honored, proven shrubs that are disease resistant locally.

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