Roses with white flowers grown for retail sale by Azalea House Flowering Shrub Farm. Clicking on the rose name will open a larger version. As I sell plants I delete their pictures. If the pictures dont open at all go to;
Each variety has two pictures. The one on the right will show inventory information. Unrelated pictures may be used if there isn't anything else currently available. I note the quantity in stock for sale with a sharpie pen within the inventory picture.
198 'Alba' Hybrid Rugosa Rose 'Alba' is a white flowered variant of Hybrid Rugosa also called the 'Hedgehog Rose' and 'The Japanese Rose', 8 feet tall, hardy in zone 3.
147 ALBA SEMI PLENA, 'White Rose of York', 'Bonnie Prince Charlie's Rose', 'La Rose de York', Rosa x alba suaveolens, Rosa x alba nivea, Rosa alba 'Semi plena' introduced before 1597, (zones 3 thru 9, 8 feet x 5 feet), strongly fragrant for us it blooms late spring to early summer.
190 ALBERIC BARBIER Alberic Barbier Hybrid wichuranna Rambler or Climbing Rose introduced around 1900, growing up to 25 feet wide on a trellis or can be trained into a tree (crop 190), hardy in zone 5 though one author has suggested its hardy in zone 4, extremely vigorous growth, shade tolerant, one author indicated it has been known to flower with only one hour of sun per day, 3 inch semi-double to double with a mild apple fragrance that bloom in early summer only (n/r), ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 191, zones 4-10, DR-0/0, 15' x10', extremely vigorous growth, shade tolerant has been known to flower with only one hour of sun per day), (Barron's, 44), ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 102, 104), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 42), ( "Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 150, zone 8(10f)). Growing well in the Rose hedge (check the newsletter for pictures).
184 Duchesse de Montebello 'Duchesse de Montebello' gallica (or hybrid china) old garden rose introduced by Laffay in 1824 (zones 4 thru 8, 4 feet x 3 feet ), strongly fragrant, it blooms for us in late spring to early summer.
185 Felicite Parmentier 'Felicite Parmentier' alba old garden rose introduced before 1836 (zones 4 thru 9, 4 feet x 3 feet ), shade tolerant and strongly fragrant, it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer. Growing well in a 45 gallon pot near the sidewalk (check the newsletter for pictures).
173 Felicite et Perpetue (1828), ("Classic Roses" Beales, flower & leaf picture : page 312) ("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's, 66) Named by The Duc d'Orleans after his twin daughters in (Felicitas and Perpetua). Flowering in summer it grows to around six feet with small white rosette flowers. Seemingly derived from Rosa sempervirens
97) FIMBRIATA Hybrid Rugosa Rose Fimbriata Hybrid Rugosa Rose introduced in 1891 (zones 4 thru 8, 5'x4'), fragrant 3 inch flowers in clusters all summer when regularly deadheaded and fertilized.
100) FURSTIN VON PLESS Hybrid Rugosa Rose,
046 'GOLDFINCH' Multiflora Rambler (Paul, 1907), small semidouble flowers with deep yellow stamens in clusters of up to 25, apricot buds open to yellow flowers that quickly fade to white, fruity scent, 6 feet tall by 12 feet wide as a shrub or can be stretched on a trellis. The canes are nearly thornless, easily propagated from hardwood cuttings. We always keep the last one to take cuttings from so if there is only one its not for sale.
139 Great Maidens Blush, or Cuisse de Nymphe or Nymph's Thigh or La Virginale or La Seduisante or The Seductress or Incarnata or Maidens Blush, 'Great Maidens Blush', 'Cuisse de Nymphe', 'Nymph's Thigh', 'La Virginale', 'La Seduisante' 'The Seductress' 'Incarnata' or 'Maidens Blush', Alba Old Garden Rose introduced before 1400, (zones 3 thru 8, 6 feet x 6 feet), fragrant, it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer. Growing well in a 45 gallon pot near the sidewalk (check the newsletter for pictures).
200 'Hebes Lip' 'Hebes Lip', 'Reine Blanche', 'Rubrotincta', zones 4 thru 9, thought to be a cross between a damask rose and Rosa eglanteria but doesn't have scented foliage, grows to around 4 feet tall, extremely disease resistant, semi-double white flowers with gold stamens, introduced prior to 1846, ordered 5 grafted on Rosa multiflora for 2011 that I will propagate from and sell.
157) Kathleen Harrop, zone 5, 10 feet tall, recurrent.
'La Rose de York' look up as 'semi plena
34) 'LEDA'_Old Damask Rose, 'Leda', 'Painted Damask' Damask Old Garden Rose introduced in 1827, (zones 4 thru 9, 4'x7'), strongly fragrant it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer, ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 44, zone5 (-13f)), ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 126, zones 3-8), ("The Art of Gardening with Roses" Thomas, sh73), ("Classic Roses" Beales, fl:187), ("500 Popular Roses For American Gardeners" Barron's, 80) ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 142, zones 4-10, DR-0/0), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page45, zones 4-9). Growing well in a 45 gallon pot near the sidewalk (check the newsletter for pictures).
35) 'MADAM_HARDY'_Old Damask Rose, 'Mme Hardy', 'Madame Hardy' Damask Old Garden Rose introduced in 1832, (zones 4 thru 9, 5'x5'), shade tolerant and strongly fragrant it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer. ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 129, zones 4-8), ("The Art of Gardening With Roses" Thomas, sh58), (Sunset Book "Roses" White, 104), ("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra, 157), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 55), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, page 46, zones 5-8), named for the wife of the head gardener for the Empress Josephine of France (Mr Hardy).
175 Mme Legras de St. Germain 'Mme Legras De St Germain' Alba Old Garden Rose introduced before 1848. (Zones 3 thru 9, 6 feet x 6 feet or can be stretched on a trellis to 15 feet) fragrant flowers bloom for several weeks late spring to early summer. ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 55, zone4(-30f)), ("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra, 153), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 35, zone 3-8).
160) Madame Plantier, Alba Rose, 'Mme Plantier' alba old garden rose introduced before 1835, (zones 4 thru 8, 5 feet x 5 feet but can be trained on a trellis, fence or into a tree 10 to 20 feet), fragrant, it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer.
115) NEVADA Hybrid Moyesii Rose, zones 4 thru 10, 8'x6', white flowers, non recurrent, ( no picture yet), ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 169, zones 4-10, DR-1/0, repeats), ("Roses Of America" Scanniello, 54), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 54, 61, fllf:234), ("Designing With Roses" Lord, sh159), 'La Giralda' x R. moyesii, 8x6.
40) 'NEW_DAWN'_CL. 'New Dawn' Climbing wichuranna rambler Rose introduced in 1930 the recurrent sport of 'Dr W Van Fleet' ( a non-recurrent wichuranna rambler that would sometimes grow to 35 feet by 45 feet). Zones 5 thru 10, 8 feet x 10 feet or can be stretched on a trellis to 10 feet x 25 feet (which if compared to its parent makes it a dwarf?) moderately fragrant flowers bloom in late spring and throughout summer. ("Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 131, zone4 (to -22f)), ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 138, zones 5-9), (Taylor's Guides "Roses" Ondra, 214, zones 5-10), ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 187, zones 4-10, DR-1/0), ("Climbing Roses of The World" Quest-Ritson, plate 124), ("Beautiful American Rose Gardens" Dorra, 26), ("Designing With Roses" Lord, 52, 64), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 60). Growing well in a 45 gallon pot near the sidewalk (check the newsletter for pictures).
104) PERPETUAL WHITE MOSS Rose, Perpetual White Moss, Quatre Saisons Blanc Mousseux, Quatre Saisons Blanche Mousseuseuse,
143 Schneekoppe, Schneekopf, Snow Pavement 'Schneekoppe', 'Schneekopf', Snow Pavement Hybrid Rugosa Rose introduced in 1984 (zones 3 thru 8, 4'x4') fragrant, pale lavender flowers rapidly fading to white bloom from late spring throughout summer when regularly dead headed and fertilized.
144 Schneezwerg, Snow Dwarf (R. rugosa x R. bracteata) Hybrid Rugosa Rose, 'Schneezwerg', 'Snow Dwarf' Hybrid Rugosa Rose introduced in 1912, (zones 4 thru 8, 3 feet x 3 feet), it blooms for us all summer when regularly dead headed and fertilized. The last one will soon be planted in a 45 gallon pot from which we will take cuttings.
147 Semi-Plena, 'White Rose of York', 'Bonnie Prince Charlie's Rose', 'La Rose de York', Rosa x alba suaveolens, Rosa x alba nivea, Rosa alba 'Semi plena' introduced before 1597, (zones 3 thru 9, 8 feet x 5 feet), strongly fragrant it blooms for several weeks in late spring to early summer. Growing well in a 45 gallon pot near the sidewalk (check the newsletter for pictures).
56 'SEVEN SISTERS' Multiflora Rambler (1817)
57) 'SIR_THOMAS_LIPTON' Hybrid Rugosa Rose, Zones 3 thru 8, grows to around 6 feet tall and wide, blooms from late spring to early fall, introduced in 1900.
146 Souvenir de Philemon Cochet Hybrid Rugosa Rose, (1900), zone 3, 5 feet tall, recurrent, pink.
59) 'STANWELL PERPETUAL' Hybrid Scotch Rose 5'x5', fragrant pink flowers, hybrid spinosissima (Best Rose Guide" Phillips & Rix, 189, zone 4(-30 f)), ("The Encyclopedia of Roses" McKeon, 180, zones 3-8, DR-0/0), ("Growing Roses Organically" Wilde, 175, zones 4-10, DR-0/0), ("Roses Of America" Scanniello, 45), ("Classic Roses" Beales, 145), ( and quartered. Stephen says this rose is "reliably recurrent". A nice one growing in Voorheesville will soon be in the newsletter with someone standing next to it for size comparison.
120) Tausendschon (Kiese 1906) medium sized, double flowers in tints of white, pale pink, rose and cream. Large clusters of twenty to fourty flowers, disease resistant leaves and smoothe stems, vigorous growth to twenty feet.
'White Rose of York' look up semi plena
148 York and Lancaster, Damask Rose, (1551, no picture yet), zone 3, 5-7 feet tall, non-recurrent, white,
I'm Andrew Van Cleve, chief grower at Azalea House Flowering Shrub Farm, and I grow flowering shrubs without fungicide to reveal truly disease resistant plants. I am providing time honored, proven shrubs that are disease resistant locally.
Buying Roses from Azalea House Flowering Shrub Farm
Growing Roses in the Northeastern USA